Heat Up Your Summer Marketing Strategy

marketing strategy

Summer can be a slow time for sales, but you can still add some sizzle to your brand by tailoring your marketing strategy to the season.

Some entrepreneurs waste summer months trying to survive until the holidays, but with a little effort, your business could thrive. Here are some tips and tricks to heat up your company’s marketing strategy during the dog days of summer.

  1. Review your social media knowledge

    Time to brush up on your social media best practices. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat add new features on a near-monthly basis, so make sure you’re up to date on the platforms you use—or should use. Websites like TechCrunch, Re/code, and Mashable should have plenty of articles on the recent changes in social media. There are also plenty of up-to-the-minute blogs on what’s works on each platform.

  2. Shift your advertising targets

    People use social media in a different way during the summer, such as posting more vacation content, photos from summer concerts, and videos of their kids doing outdoor activities. If it makes sense with your brand, consider advertising partnerships with hotels, outdoor venues, and other popular tourist destinations in your area. Getting your product or service on their social media feeds might introduce you to new clients who you would never otherwise reach.

  3. Shoot more video

    Social media platforms are placing more emphasis on video content, so take time to shoot videos pertinent to your brand. At a loss for ideas? Shoot a behind-the-scenes look at what you do or set up a day to shoot professional-style interviews with your staff that can be added to your website. Get the footage while business is slow so you can have it at your fingertips later on.

  4. Hold an open house

    Building a brand is more than having a website and a social media account—there is incredible value in meeting clients and potential customers in person. Schedule an open house during evening hours where clients can drop by, grab hors d’oeuvres and chat with you about business. Showcase new products and services and answer questions about what you have coming down the pipeline. You can also provide a gift bag that includes a discount on your product in order to encourage new and repeat business.

  5. Price for the summer

    Prime clients and new customers to seal the deal by offering summer discounts. Notify your general audience via a social media or an email campaign, but make sure to personally contact any potential clients who were already quoted your regular pricing. A small discount may be the only thing standing between you and several new customers.

  6. Send a seasonal newsletter to signal the change your new marketing strategy

    In these fast-moving times, most of us use social media to keep on top of our favorite brands. However, we’re also increasingly taking the opportunity to completely unplug on vacation. Provide a short monthly newsletter during summer months to keep your fans in the loop about your brand if they aren’t tracking you daily.

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Tags: Marketing and SalesRunning a Business